IDAHOBIT on Campus
The Junior HASS class completed a timeline for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), which falls on the 17th of May, (so, a belated timeline) but hey, unprecedented times!
The Junior HASS class completed a timeline for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), which falls on the 17th of May, (so, a belated timeline) but hey, unprecedented times!
by Hagan (Teacher) The beginning of this school year took place at the Anglesea Family Caravan Park, where the oversized family of Alia College pitched our tents near the mouth of the Anglesea river. The weather was glorious. The cooking groups were successful. There was a pool. I remember one student remarking that cleaning up […]
This was such a busy end to the year, we had to put it all into one blog post otherwise you’d never know it happened!
the end of Term IV, ten students, three past students and two teachers went to Japan for two weeks on an educational tour of international culture, world food, mind-blowing architecture and Alia style drama.
At Arts Night, friends and family are invited to Alia to view the work students have been doing in the arts over the semester.
Camp this year was so fun. The whole school went to Euroa Camping and Caravan Park.
Muck-Up Day at Alia is an opportunity for creativity and fun. After their last day of school on Wednesday, the Year 12s go out for dinner with their teachers. Then they spend the night at Alia, transforming the place (to a degree) by the next morning.
by Hagan Mathews Jonathan was proud of his initiative. When the bus pulled up to the Stoney Rises property just outside of Colac he had beaten his peers to be first out the door and open the gate. As the bus rolled through he flashed a big grin and casually leaned back, master of the […]
For 10 points, which Alia College event provides students, parents, and alumni with the chance to socialise, interact, learn some interesting facts, and enjoy an evening of engaging entertainment at no cost? If you were savvy enough to guess Trivia Night as the answer, you should be sure to come to the next one – […]
Today is the first day of school for 2019, which means it is 20 years since the first ever day of school for Alia College. The school opened in January 1999 with just 21 Year 7 and 8 students. Since that day, the school has seen growth in student numbers and we are kicking off 2019 […]