Camping in Lorne to start 2023
At Alia, we always start the year with a school camp. For 2023 we lugged our junk to Lorne, and took over the foreshore caravan park for three nights.
At Alia, we always start the year with a school camp. For 2023 we lugged our junk to Lorne, and took over the foreshore caravan park for three nights.
For the first time in a long time, Alia College was able to run two in person events, Trivia Night and Arts Night. Trivia Night Trivia Night is a free event, that gives the opportunity for the Alia community to come together for a fun night. This year, Trivia Night was held on the front […]
Thank you to Jasper (Yr 12) and their parent Anna for an incredible contribution to Alia history — Jasper and Anna made a gingerbread house based on the Alia College floor plan, and the result was amazing!
We feel like a school again. There are loud conversations in the foyer, laughter, quiet classes, noisy classes, robust conversations and best of all happy eyes (and, we assume, happy faces under the masks!).
Do what seems to work even if that involves playing games and odd sleeping hours. If you have what it takes, attend the online lessons. That is highly recommended. Join the rest of us stressed individuals.
Parents please take care of yourselves first. You are no value to your kids if you go under.
Please remember that you can always call if you have any concerns or matters to discuss.
We may be in lockdown, but we still have to eat!
If you imagine life on a spectrum with lockdown at one end, a camping trip to Alia’s bush property in Colac is as far on the opposite end as you can get without your feet leaving the ground.
by Hagan (English teacher) The latest honey harvest is in. Maddix (yr 9), Vincent (yr 12) and Amalina (Science teacher) seized on a sunny afternoon to climb up on the carport and make sure the bees don’t run out of space in their hive.
by Hagan (English teacher) As usual, Scott (Literature teacher) ran the Annual Alia Trivia Night last Friday, with questions prepared mostly by Ashlee (Accounts administrator). A lot of jokes were cracked and a lot of fun was had. Unsurprisingly, the night ran a bit behind schedule, but no one seemed to mind. We held the […]
Hagan Mathews (English teacher) Each year the Year 12 group runs a number of fundraisers to pay for their end of year celebration. This year’s group has wasted no time. Within days of Term I beginning, Della (Year 12) had petitioned her bookstore employer to allow her to use damaged books in a book sale […]