The aim of the Art department is to provide an environment where students are encouraged to explore and develop a personal style and enjoy the process of creative expression.
Visit our Gallery to see some recent work from Art classes at Alia College.
Junior Art
In Years 7 & 8, students focus on fundamentals such as tone and colour while building skills in the areas of painting, drawing and printmaking. Students make projects that explore a range of approaches such as technical and observation drawing as well as designing imaginative pieces.
Senior Art
In Years 9 & 10, students continue to work in the same areas while focusing on artists and art movements, such as Expressionism, Surrealism and Pop Art, as starting points. This provides inspiration and stimulus for students to develop their own ideas based on a particular style. It also starts to build an understanding of art movements for students who continue Art into VCE.
VCE Art & Studio Art
Art and Studio Art are offered in VCE. Studio Art, giving students the opportunity to explore mediums such as Painting & Drawing, Textiles and Photography. In both Art and Studio Art students select their area of interest, explore and develop work based on a topic of their choice. Through ongoing discussion and support, students investigate and refine work in a folio to create a series of finished artworks.
Arts Night

Arts Night occurs twice a year and includes visual art, dance, drama and music. This provides an opportunity for students to display their work at the end of each semester. All students from Years 7-12 have artwork on display for Arts Night. Students, parents and friends are invited to view the artwork and enjoy performances.