About Alia

Alia College, an independent secondary school of less than 100 students in Melbourne’s inner East, cannot easily be described as any one “type” of school.


We do not fit with other strongly academic schools because we are considerate of students’ concerns and feelings. We do not ascribe to the militaristic discipline and uniform dress requirements of traditional English public schools. We are equally supportive of students who are artistic, creative or practical.

Nor do we fit with the usual alternative, progressive, holistic, caring, community type schools because we have high expectations of academic learning.

To learn more about the academic offerings at Alia College, visit the ‘Curriculum’ section under ‘About Alia’.


Alia has established a degree of cheerful productivity in an atmosphere of open communication. Visitors tell us that the unstrained, spontaneous reactions of students are refreshing and immediately obvious upon visiting the school.

For us, harmony does not mean the sort of placid sameness where seldom is heard a discouraging word. True harmony and peace exist where the constant disagreements and irritations of life can occur, can be aired without having to have them swept under the carpet, can be considered over a significant period of time without a rush for an instant coerced resolution, and then can be unwound in a civilised manner.

To learn more about our approach to learning at Alia College, visit the ‘An Alternative School’ section of the website.

“People who read these pages often comment that they are too good to be true. We see so much spin in general communication these days that we automatically expect to find it everywhere. For this reason, we allow unprecedented access to the College everyday and allow visitors to meet the students. This way you can make up your own mind about whether this school is the right place for you or your children.”
— Founder and Principal of Alia College
Bob Morgan

News and Events

Brain Teaser – Trivia Night 2025!

By Charlie (Admin and Events Staff Member) Hosted by Scott (English Teacher and MC Extraordinaire), Trivia Night (at the end of February) is a free event for students, family, staff and community members to come together! 🤔🧠 Congratulations to first place, who received an IKEA hamper, and to last place, who received the annual wooden […]

Adventures of 2025 Lorne Orientation Camp!

By Charlie (Admin and Events Staff Member) At the beginning of February, students and staff headed to Lorne, for Alia’s annual Orientation Camp. Student’s enjoyed hanging out at the campsite, heading on walks to town and Erskine Falls, bodyboarding/surfing and more! Student’s at Alia enjoy the freedom that camp’s brings. There are no compulsory activities, […]

Meet the Staff

We have a lot of passionate teachers and support staff at Alia. Click on the photos below to learn more about the people that work here.

Contact Us

We welcome your enquiries:

Alia College
405 Tooronga Road
Hawthorn East 3123 VIC

Telephone: (03) 9822 9622
Enrolment Enquiry Email: enrolments@alia.vic.edu.au
General Email: info@alia.vic.edu.au


Campus Location

Alia College acknowledges that we learn, teach, work and play on the land of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people of the Kulin Nations. We respectfully recognise Elders past, present and future. First Nations people have been teaching and learning on and from this land for centuries, long before Alia College and the building we reside in were in existence. Their sovereignty has never been ceded, and colonisation is ongoing.