Scott Pearce

Scott Pearce

Year 11/12 Literature. Year 11/12 English, Senior English

When did you start working Alia?

November 2002

Tell us about something interesting you did in class this year?

Solo performance of ‘Three Little Maids From School Are We’ for Year 12 Literature class. Unrelated to William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, the text we were studying, but perhaps more memorable.

What do you enjoy about teaching your subjects?

It allows me to share my love of books, films, TV, academic study and the absurd.

What do you like about working at Alia?

Teachers are allowed to grow their subject. The community of current and past students is awesome.

What do you get up to with your time outside school?

I write. Please buy my novels. Are you a filmmaker? They would make great films. I also write book chapters and journal articles with a focus on film and TV and the various intersections with social and political movements and events.