by Antonia (School Administrator)
Over the last few weeks, it has been great to have our Year 12 students back on-campus. With Melbourne’s lockdown 6.0 ending last week, more students have returned.
We feel like a school again. There are loud conversations in the foyer, laughter, quiet classes, noisy classes, robust conversations and best of all happy eyes (and, we assume, happy faces under the masks!).

Photos clockwise from the top left:
1 — Edoardo (Year 12) enjoys the opportunity to give Bob (Principal) bunny ears again as they pose for a photo with Declan (Year 12) on their first day back on campus.
2 — Della and Vincent (Year 12) studying together.
3 — Liam and Eric (Yr 10) enjoying the great weather on the lawn on their first day back.
4 — On their first day back on-campus, some students return from the local shops during their lunch break.
5 & 6 — Penny (HASS and Grub Club teacher) and Hagan (English teacher) have continued working in the veggie garden during lockdown 6.0. The garden’s developments have been followed by students through online classes each week.