by Hagan (English teacher)
As usual, Scott (Literature teacher) ran the Annual Alia Trivia Night last Friday, with questions prepared mostly by Ashlee (Accounts administrator). A lot of jokes were cracked and a lot of fun was had. Unsurprisingly, the night ran a bit behind schedule, but no one seemed to mind.
We held the Trivia Night at Alia for the first time in a few years. To maintain our COVID-safe protocols teams sat outside on the from lawn. The weather was nice, warm but breezy.
A mix of members of the school community attended — parents and family friends, current and former students. Oscar, (Yr 10) observed that there were probably more past students and their families than current students, even.
People brought their own food to share. As usual, there was a lot of cross-team banter and a lot of students had the opportunity meet their friends’ parents.
Congratulations to the winners, Amalina, Vincent, Michael, Benny, Harriet, Maddy, Briana — collectively, “Little Table of Horrors”!