By Hagan (English Teacher)
Here are some takes from the stage fighting workshop run by Josh, the Drama Teacher, and the stage make-up workshop, run by Ruth, the Science Teacher, during Skills Week (30th Nov — 4th Dec, 2020).
The second last week of Term IV is reserved for orientation classes for next year’s VCE students. Those students who aren’t in VCE next year need to be kept busy, because we all know that idle teenagers will end up turning to a life of crime. For the whole week a whirlwind of activities takes place.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions we looked in-house for facilitators this year, hence the stage-fighting and stage make-up passion-workshops run by Alia teachers.
Some of the videos are a bit intense, but please be assured no one was injured, and any swearing is just a heat-of-the-moment lapse in good manners.
Note that, after each stunt, everyone has to be reassured that the “victim” is fine.
And in the next room, sturdier souls were bypassing the fighting and going straight to the tell-tale signs of some good old-fashioned biffo.
Other events at Skills Week included a visit to Myuna Farm, a cat cafe, La Roule Galette Creperie, Cumquat Marmalade making with Bob, Personal Budgeting with Antonia, and a general wander around the great city of Melbourne.