For 10 points, which Alia College event provides students, parents, and alumni with the chance to socialise, interact, learn some interesting facts, and enjoy an evening of engaging entertainment at no cost?
If you were savvy enough to guess Trivia Night as the answer, you should be sure to come to the next one – you might be in with a fairly decent chance of winning!

The 2019 Trivia Night was held at Glenferrie Primary School on the last Friday of February. Due to increasing attendance at the Trivia Nights over the last few years that prevented having the event at Alia, and the unavailability of the usual venue at the Augustine Centre, we hired out the hall at Glenferrie Primary for the evening. This large space provided ample room for families, studnets, and the multitudes of alumni to mix and mingle throughout the evening, and made for a pleasant, uncrowded night.
After school, a bunch of students helped to pack the school bus and worked together to unload it at the other end, setting up the hall quickly and effectively. With so many elements of Alia being student led, it’s great to have student involvement in school events, as well as other areas of the school. In return for their generous assistance, students are given food, and on this occasion, not only did helpers end up with the banh mi they decided to get, but also with chips and sushi from Bob who arrived at the same time as the rest of the food.

After the set up, as people began arriving and finding their tables, the mood began to lift, with various teams getting ready to demonstrate their superior knowledge. It wouldn’t be an Alia Trivia Night without the memorable and unique stylings of Scott, the Master of Ceremonies, who worked the crowd, engaging humorously, and lending a special flare to the rounds of questions he read out.

During the break, the Class of 2019 managed to sell tickets for their raffle, raising funds for the graduation celebration. By raffling off some great prizes – two gold class movie tickets, a T2 tea hamper, and an Aeropress coffee maker and coffee – they took in over $400.00!

At the end of the evening, as the scores were tallied up, the winning team emerged, proud and victorious. With a total of 49 points, the Please Join My Minecraft Server team mangled to beat out other teams such as Podcast Lovers (2nd with 45.5 points) and The Incredibles (3rd with 45 points), winning a hamper of various homeware goodies and sweet treats.
With the help of all the parents, students, and alumni who attended, we managed to pack and can up the hall in record time, thanks to everybody pitching in to lend a hand. It just added to the wonderful community spirit of the evening.

Thanks to all the wonderful people who came along to Trivia Night 2019, and we hope you enjoyed yourselves, as well as came away from the evening having learnt something of interest. We look forward to seeing you all for next year’s event! Don’t forget to study up!