The end of the year is a time of mixed emotions – on the one hand, things are wrapping up, and the atmosphere gets lighter. On the other, it means saying goodbye to a whole cohort of people whose presence and influence has been so much a part of the school.

Following the last day of classes, it is traditional for the Year 12 students to organise a dinner for staff members to come along to, where they can all chat, reminisce, and look forward to the rapidly-approaching future. This year, students and staff went to the Hawthorn Hotel, and enjoyed a meal and some company.

At the end of the night, Bob, the principal gave a speech congratulating the Year 12s on their achievements to date, wishing them well for exams, and for their adult lives. Jess also gave a (somewhat emotional) speech, thanking Bob for starting a place like Alia, and for her last few years here.

It was a lovely evening, and a fitting way celebrate the wrap up of the Year 12s’ classes at Alia.