by Thomas Foody
We’re well and truly into Term Four now, which means there’s a whole host of activities and events just around the corner.
Next week, the Year 12s finish their formal classes on Wednesday, which means Thursday is Muck Up Day. Muck Up Day at Alia is more about fun practical jokes that involve the community, and we’re excited, if a little trepidatious, to see what the class of 2018 has planned. Some Year 12 classes will still be running after this, though on a more casual basis.

November kicks off in full swing with the Spring Arts Night, featuring displays of student Art and Media work, as well as Drama and Music performances. This will be held at Alia College on Thursday, 1 November. This will be followed by an extra-long weekend (hooray!) as there is no school on either Monday, 5 November (Foundation Day holiday) or Tuesday, 6 November (Melbourne Cup Day). Fingers crossed for some good weather over those few days!
The Year 11 exam period begins on Thursday, 8 November, and runs through to Friday, 16 November. A special timetable will be released for this shortly. All Year 11 exams will take place at Alia College.

The T-shirt design competition winners will be announced in whole school meeting on Friday, 9 November. This competition is open to all members of the school community, and involves cash prizes for the winners. Winning designs will be available on the school website for sale soon after. For more information about this, speak to Kim.
The Year 10s head off to Colac for a three-day year level camp on Tuesday, 13 November. Year 10 homeroom teachers Andrew and Chloé have more information on this.
On Friday, 16 November, there will be a VCE afternoon tea, which all Year 11 and 12 students are invited to. There will be cakes, biscuits, and the opportunity to return textbooks, so be sure to mark that in the diary. The annual Alumni Gathering for past students and staff, past and present, will also take place that evening.
The next week sees the Year 9 City Experience program, as well as the VCE 2019 Orientation Week. The City Experience program involves incursions and excursions to all sorts of interesting and educational places around Melbourne. Speak to Harriet or Penny for more information.
Friday, 23 November is a bittersweet day, with the Year 12 graduation taking place at the Augustine Centre from 5.00pm, followed by a celebration at Alia College from 7.00pm. All are welcome to come along and celebrate with the Year 12s as they finish up here and prepare to venture into the world beyond Alia. Tickets for the celebration are available via the office.
The last formal week of school, 26-30 November, is the Year 9 and 10 Skills and Development Week. This week is full of different programs, workshops, and sessions aimed at introducing practical skills, such as work and consumer rights, driver education, and RSA certification to name a few.
Finally, we wrap up 2018 with a whole school camp. This runs from 3-6 December, and the location is still to be disclosed at this point. Whole school camps are a great way for students to connect and enjoy the year that was, and we highly encourage all students to attend.
As usual, you can find out more information about any of these activities and events via the office on 03 9822 9622 or at Don’t forget to subscribe to the mailing list as well to stay up to date on all that’s happening at Alia College.