Information nights at Alia College have always been different, and over the school’s 19-year history, have developed into a tradition that students look forward to being a part of.
The standard preparation for an information night begins at 5.00pm, when students who have volunteered their time to stay back come together and sign up to clean different areas of the school. There is usually plenty of lively music involved to help the cleaning process, and the school has a real buzz, even before any of the guests have arrived.
After a couple of hours, pizzas arrive – as a token payment to the students for giving their time and energy to support the school, and help show prospective families what Alia College is all about. As the families begin to turn up, groups of students take turns giving quick tours of the building, and answering the incidental questions that any visitors may have.
After the tours, it’s time for the panel, where all visitors get to ask all sorts of questions of the students. The students are often refreshingly open, frank, and honest with their answers; there are no holds barred, and the school is talked about in a way that doesn’t hold back – it really is warts and all.

Bob then takes over to make his comments, before answering more questions from prospective families. While this is happening, the students get together to de-brief and chat about how the evening went, before heading home.
Information nights at Alia College are not only a great way for those interested in the school to find out more, but they also help to build a spirit of community and contribution among students already at Alia.